Credit Card Processing Services
Credit Card Processing Services (Zero Fees)
If your business receives a majority of transactions via credit card and you are hit with fees on those transactions then you should get in contact with a Score representative today to get rid of those fees once and for all.
How It Works:
Traditional Credit Card Processing: In most traditional credit card processing transactions/plans the business owner is typically charged a fee every time a consumer pays with a credit card.
Cash Discount Processing: Score has partnered with Xero Fees to offer a cash discount processing solution that will virtually eliminate all costs associated with credit card transactions. In this program the terminals you receive automatically add a processing fee to the bill and therefore eliminates the charge to you.
Flexible Options: The POS terminals you would receive offer both traditional credit card processing options along with discount programs so you have the choice to pick whatever program you are comfortable with and you could always switch whenever without getting a new POS terminal.
If you would like to set up a free consultation with one of our specialists please contact us today!